Utstillingsresultater 2021 |
5/12-21 |
Norsk Collie Klubb, Gran Dommer: Tore Grønhaug, Norge 3BISjunior, BIRjunior, ResCERT, CK: Xindre Xorian Avrina (N Uch Cassius Bohemia Classic - Sorma Gards A. Filicity Fiona) 4BTK, CK: C.I.B. BG DK HU HR CZ Uch CZ Clubwinner-16 HR Clubwinner-17 Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic) |
4/12-21 |
Norsk Shetland Sheepdog
Klubb, Gran Dommer: Caroline Elisabeth Mauseth, Norge CK: N DK Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) |
27/11-21 |
Dansk Shetland Sheepdog Klubb, Slagelse Danmark Dommer: Ineke
Bouwer, TNederland BIM, CERT, Dansk Champion: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) 4tBHK, CK, JuniorCC, BIMjunior: Mellsjøhøgda's Kiss Me Quick (N Uxh Orion Des Mille Eclats Des Tournesols - Mellsjøhøgda's Unique Babe) Owner: Kennel Lyngvetun BIRveteran, 2BTK, CK, Dansk VeteranCERT: C.I.B. BG DK HU HR CZ Uch CZ Clubwinner-16 HR Clubwinner-17 Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic) 3BTK, CK, JuniorCC, BIRjunior: Mellsjøhøgda's Kiss Me Quick (N Uch Orion Des Mille Eclats Des Tournesols - Mellsjøhøgda's Unique Babe) Owner: Kennel Sheltie4You HP i oppdretterklasse: Kennel Mellsjøhøgda |
24/10-21 |
Hungarian Kennel Club, Komarom Ungarn Dommer: Péter Harsányi,
Ungarn CAC, CACIB: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) |
23/10-21 |
Specialshow, Komarom Ungarn Dommer: Andras Korózs, Ungarn BIR, CAC: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) |
23/10-21 |
Hungarian Kennel Club, Komarom Ungarn Dommer: Kriztina
László,Ungarn CAC, ResCACIB: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) |
22/10-21 |
Hungarian Kennel Club, Komarom Ungarn Dommer: Róbert Kótlar,
Ungarn CAC, ResCACIB: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) |
9/10-21 |
Sunnfjord Hundeklubb,
Skei i Jølster
Åke Cronander, Sverige 2BHK, CK: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Adrenaline Rush (RO BG Uch RO BG Gr Uch Buharestwinner-18 Mohnesee Blue Jazz - Mellsjøhøgda's Ready For Fun) 3BHK, CK: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) BIRveteran, CK: INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize (INT N SI LUX BG MD MK Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize - Microgården's Babe Is Back) CK: C.I.B. BG DK HU HR CZ Uch CZ Clubwinner-16 HR Clubwinner-17 Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic) |
12/9-21 |
Norsk Shetland Sheepdog Klubb, Jaren Dommer: Reidun Monsholm,
Norway BIRvalp, HP: Mellsjøhøgda's Jive Talkin' (N UchCassius Bohemia Classic - Mellsjøhøgda's Worth To Wait For) BIMvalp, HP: Xindre Xorian Avrina (N Uch Cassius Bohemia Classic - Sorma Gards A. Filicity Fiona) BIRveteran: C.I.B. BG DK HU HR CZ Uch CZ Clubwinner-16 HR Clubwinner-17 Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic) BIMveteran: INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize (INT N SI LUX BG MD MK Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize - Microgården's Babe Is Back) |
29/8-21 |
Norsk Terrier Klubb, Selbu
Dommer: Marianne Holmli, Norge CK: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) CK: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Adrenaline Rush (RO BG Uch RO BG Gr Uch Buharestwinner-18 Mohnesee Blue Jazz - Mellsjøhøgda's Ready For Fun) |
28/8-21 |
Trøndelag Selskapshundklubb. Selbu Dommer: Frank Christiansen,
Norge BIM, CK: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) 2BHK, CERT og Champion: Mellsjøhøgda's Adrenaline Rush (RO BG Uch RO BG Gr Uch Buharestwinner-18 Mohnesee Blue Jazz - Mellsjøhøgda's Ready For Fun) |
22/8-21 |
Norsk Collie Klubb, Biristrand Dommer: Trond Storsveen, Norge 4BHK, CK: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) CK: Mellsjøhøgda's Fairytale ( (Orion Des Mille Eclats Des Tournesols - Mellsjøhøgda's Worth To Wait For) CERT: Mellsjøhøgda's Coockies'n Cream (Mohnesee Blacksmith - Mellsjøhøgda's Worth To Wait For) 4BTK, CK: C.I.B. BG DK HU HR CZ Uch CZ Clubwinner-16 HR Clubwinner-17 Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic) BISoppdretter og HP: Kennel Mellsjøhøgda |
21/8-21 |
Norsk Kennel Klubb, Lillehammer
Dommer: Bente Løseth, Norge BIRvalp, HP: Xindre Xorian Avrina (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Sorma Gards A. Filicity Fiona) CERT og Champion: Orion des Mille Eclats des Tournesols (Shelridge Sangiovese - Iseult Golden Princess des Mille Eclats des Tournesols) |
15/8-21 |
Rana Trekk- Og Brukshundklubb, Mosjøen Dommer: Pirjo
Aaltonen, Finland BIRvalp, HP: Xindre Xorian Avrina (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Sorma Gards A. Filicity Fiona) BIMvalp, HP: Mellsjøhøgda's Jive Talkin' ( (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Mellsjøhøgda's Worth To Wait For) 4BHK, CERT: Mellsjøhøgda's Adrenaline Rush (RO BG Uch RO BG Gr Uch Buharestwinner-18 Mohnesee Blue Jazz - Mellsjøhøgda's Ready For Fun) |
14/8-21 |
Vefsn Hundeklubb, Mosjøen Dommer: Markku Kipinã,
Finland BIRvalp, HP: Xindre Xorian Avrina (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Sorma Gards A. Filicity Fiona) 2BHK, CERT, Norsk Champion: Cassius Bohemia Classic (GB Ch Mistmere Blackthorn at Shelridge - Rus JunCh Ch H Volga Winner Idea Fix For Rus Marlins) 4BHK ResCERT: Mellsjøhøgda's Adrenaline Rush (RO BG Uch RO BG Gr Uch Buharestwinner-18 Mohnesee Blue Jazz - Mellsjøhøgda's Ready For Fun) |
8/8-21 |
Kennel Klub, Fauske
Are Karlsen, Norge BIRvalp, HP: Mellsjøhøgda's Jive Talkin' ( (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Mellsjøhøgda's Worth To Wait For) BIMvalp, HP: Xindre Xorian Avrina (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Sorma Gards A. Filicity Fiona) |
7/8-21 |
Norsk Shetland
Sheepdog Klubb, Misvær
Jessica Feldhoff,
Tyskland CK: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) CERT: Mellsjøhøgda's Fairytale ( (Orion Des Mille Eclats Des Tournesols - Mellsjøhøgda's Worth To Wait For) CK: CK: C.I.B. BG DK HU HR CZ Uch CZ Clubwinner-16 HR Clubwinner-17 Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic) HP i oppdretterklasse: Kennel Mellsjøhøgda |
31/7-21 |
Norsk Shetland Sheepdog Klubb, Frya Dommer: Loes
Mouchart-Kleingeld, Nederland BIM, CK: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) BIMveteran: CK: INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize (INT N SI LUX BG MD MK Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize - Microgården's Babe Is Back) CK: Mellsjøhøgda's Fairytale ( (Orion Des Mille Eclats Des Tournesols - Mellsjøhøgda's Worth To Wait For) CK: C.I.B. BG DK HU HR CZ Uch CZ Clubwinner-16 HR Clubwinner-17 Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic) |
30/7-21 |
Norsk Shetland
Sheepdog Klubb, Frya
Erica Bakker-van de
Woestijne, Nederland BIMvalp, HP: Xindre Xorian Avrina (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Sorma Gards A. Filicity Fiona) CK: N Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) CK: INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize (INT N SI LUX BG MD MK Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize - Microgården's Babe Is Back) CK: Mellsjøhøgda's Happy Go Lucky (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Mellsjøhøgda's Zavannah) CK: C.I.B. BG DK HU HR CZ Uch CZ Clubwinner-16 HR Clubwinner-17 Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic) |
11/7-21 |
Norsk Terrier Klubb, Tresfjord
Per Kristian Andersen,
Norge BIMvalp, HP: Mellsjøhøgda's Kiss Me Quick (Orion Des Mille Eclats Des Tournesols - Mellsjøhøgda's Unique Babe) Owner: Kennel Sheltie4You 2BHK, CERT: Cassius Bohemia Classic (GB Ch Mistmere Blackthorn at Shelridge - Rus JunCh Ch H Volga Winner Idea Fix For Rus Marlins) 3BTK, CK: C.I.B. BG DK HU HR CZ Uch CZ Clubwinner-16 HR Clubwinner-17 Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic) |
10/7-21 |
Hundeklubb, Tresfjord
Norge 2BIGvalp, BIRvalp, HP: Xindre Xorian Avrina (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Sorma Gards A. Filicity Fiona) |
4/7-21 |
Norsk Collie Klubb,
Norge 2BISvalp, BIRvalp, HP: Mellsjøhøgda's Kiss Me Quick (Orion Des Mille Eclats Des Tournesols - Mellsjøhøgda's Unique Babe) Owner: Kennel Sheltie4You BIMvalp HP: Xindre Xorian Avrina (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Sorma Gards A. Filicity Fiona) |
27/6-21 |
Norsk Shetland Sheepdog Klubb, Ålesund Dommer: Ralph Campbell, Norge BIMvalp, HP: Xindre Xorian Avrina (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Sorma Gards A. Filicity Fiona) CERT Norsk Utstillingschampion: Mellsjøhøgda's Unstoppable (INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Mellsjøhøgda's Vote For Me) CK: C.I.B. BG DK HU HR CZ Uch CZ Clubwinner-16 HR Clubwinner-17 Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic) |
26/6-21 |
Norsk Shetland Sheepdog Klubb, Ålesund Dommer: Bente Løseth, Norge BIMvalp, HP: Xindre Xorian Avrina (Cassius Bohemia Classic - Sorma Gards A. Filicity Fiona) BIMveteran, CK: INT N CZ RO BG SI Uch ROGR BGGR Uch SIV-18 Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize (INT N SI LUX BG MD MK Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize - Microgården's Babe Is Back) CK: C.I.B. BG DK HU HR CZ Uch CZ Clubwinner-16 HR Clubwinner-17 Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic) |
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